Let’s cut to the chase and discuss the TOP 3 charting resources for nurse practitioners!
I don’t know about you, but there seems to be a lot of commotion in the world.
I constantly feel bombarded via social media (and off social media as well) with so many content and tips to live a better life.
I watch the news and broadcasters share “Financial tips to survive inflation.” I pull up YouTube and see “3 ways to live a better life.” I open Instagram and learn “5 healthy foods you should be eating.”
Now I am not dissing this information or the people who created it (after all I share helpful charting and time management tips through The Nurse Practitioner Charting School).
What I am saying is sometimes I feel so busy and mentally overwhelmed to consume the content (even if it would help me to live a better life).
I prefer to have the EXACT tips that are easy to implement so I can actually make a positive change.
I prefer to have a streamlined shortcut that is actually going to work for me.
I prefer to actually take action instead of spending time and money researching what tips are the best.
And I know many of you nurse practitioner feel the same!
So here are some of my TOP charting resources for nurse practitioners that provide streamline shortcuts and tips that actually work!
(now you don’t have to spend hours on Google wondering what works best, you’re welcome)
Top charting resources for nurse practitioners
Tip #1: Comprehensive List of Smart Phrases
If you’re not using smart/dot phrases, you’re wasting so much time! Don’t feel back I didn’t even know smart phrases were a thing until I started researching charting and time management tips myself! Now I use them for every patient! Which is the reason why smart phrases make the list of TOP 3 charting resources for nurse practitioners.
So if you are needing to implement smart phrases (or update the ones don’t use) then check out the Comprehensive List of Smart Phrases! I have complied 125 ready-to-use smart phrases on a variety of topics (chronic medical visits, acute visits, women’s health, pediatrics, mental health, hospital based, procedures, and more!)
Get the Comprehensive List of Smart Phrases for only $37!
Tip #2: Core 4 Charting Tips
As The Nurse Practitioner Charting Coach, I have learned which charting tips are the BEST and will get you the “biggest bang for your buck!”
So I complied these 4 charting tips into a mini course to help nurse practitioners! This is your streamlined approach, no need to spend hours researching the best charting tips. It’s no wonder this training makes the TOP 3 charting resources for nurse practitioners list.
These 4 charting tips will get you the MOST impact and help you to STOP charting at home!
Check out the Core 4 Charting Tips!
Tip #3: Freed AI Medical Scribe
When I first heard about utilizing AI technology to help providers write their chart notes, I started doing research about the BEST AI Medical Scribe company.
There were some systems that worked well and integrated into the EHR but were very $$$. There were other systems that were cheaper but not as accurate.
And then I stumbled upon Freed AI!
I was blown away by the capabilities, accuracy, and price (just $99/month!). I loved it so much I started using it in my own practice! Which is why it made the list of the TOP 3 charting resources for nurse practitioners!
Freed AI offers 10 free visits, so be sure to give it a try. And if it works well for your practice, make sure to use my affiliate coupon code: NPCHARTING for $50 off your first month!
***If you would like to see how Freed AI Medical Scribe works, check out my YouTube video: How to use Freed AI Medical Scribe.
So there you have it, my TOP 3 charting resources for nurse practitioners. Use one or all of these to help you to finally STOP charting at home!
***Full disclosure, this post contains affiliate links. I do receive a small commission if you purchase Freed AI. This is at no extra cost to you, but does help me continue to run The Nurse Practitioner Charting School.