
I was struggling, so I hired a coach!

nurse practitioner coach

Some time ago, I was struggling in life…..

Like on my knees in despair, not sure how I could go on, desperately looking for a solution.

It wasn’t until I was at my very lowest point when I decided to look for help. I searched Instagram for a coach to help with my challenge. I browsed the content and immediately felt heard.

It was so reassuring to have someone out there that could identity the EXACT emotions I was feeling.

It was so reassuring to know I was not the only one who struggled, there was someone who had been through it and came out the other side.

It was so reassuring to know that in my most desperate time, there was hope and support available.

So I hired her as a coach.

It’s amazing the impact a coach can have on your life.

Think about all of the past mentors/coaches/teachers/preceptors that have changed your life.

To take it one step further, finding a coach who specializes in the EXACT issue you are struggling with is priceless. It helps to have an EXPERT because they know exactly what to say and do.

I am happy to report that while working with this coach, my life changed. I was able to implement the necessary changes while also getting the support I needed.

But I wanted to be honest and talk a little more about the thought process.

Because it wasn’t an easy decision to spend thousand of dollars on a 3 month program.

It was not easy to invest in myself when I thought I should be able to figure it out on my own.

It was not easy to admit I was struggling and that I needed outside help.

And because of these worries I contemplated the decision for far too long. I’m talking months of driving myself crazy because my brain was consumed by the constant chaos of over thinking.

What made me decide to purchase a coaching program that I didn’t know if it would actually work?

Honestly I was sick and tired.

I was sick and tired of the back and forth conversation in my brain.

Sick and tired of not having the life I thought I would.

Sick and tired of not moving forward because I was holding myself back.

So I took a leap of faith.

And I don’t regret a bit of it! Because taking that leap of faith forever changed my life.

As nurse practitioners, we know how short life can be. How fast a life altering diagnosis can change everything. How debilitating and disabling life can become at an instant.

So let me ask you this, what are you waiting for to take control of the charting and get your life back?

If you are struggling with charting as a nurse practitioner, I invite you into the STOP Charting at Home Membership.

You won’t regret making this decision for yourself!

***If you are a nurse practitioner struggling with charting, join the STOP Charting at Home Membership!

This specialized membership if for the nurse practitioner who is:

❌ Sick and tired of spending evenings and weekends in front of a computer instead of spending time with loved ones.

❌ Sick and tired of sacrificing their own health and wellbeing to give all their energy to their employer/charting.

❌ Sick and tired of feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, and burned-out while life passes them by.

This membership was designed for you, the overwhelmed nurse practitioner who want to improve your charting so you can create a better work-life balance and finally STOP charting at home!

Don’t wait to get your time back, join the ​STOP Charting at Home in 90 Days!

Erica D the NP is a family nurse practitioner and The Nurse Practitioner Charting Coach. Erica helps nurse practitioners STOP charting at home! Erica created The Nurse Practitioner Charting School to be the one stop for all documentation resources created specifically for nurse practitioners. Learn more at www.npchartingschool.com

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Free training: 3 Reasons Why You’re Still Charting at Home and How to Overcome! Sign up here!