
Mom guilt as a nurse practitioner: Your kids will miss this

mom guilt as a nurse practitioner

I’ve struggled with mom guilt as a nurse practitioners…

I’ve struggled with the gut-retching feeling of missing time with my kids because I am at work.

I’ve struggled with leaving my sick kids (who just want their mommy) to go care for sick patients.

I’ve struggled with being mentally (and physically) present because I am consumed by the stress of working as a full-time nurse practitioner.

I have definitely struggled with a lack of work-life balance and as a result, nurse practitioner mom guilt.

Mom guilt as a nurse practitioner

Sure I have implemented a few helpful tips to overcome the mom guilt. ***Check out these articles: ​12 tips to navigate nurse practitioner mom guilt​ and ​Mom guilt as a nurse practitioner: 4 tips to manage​.

I have even gotten a handle on my charting so I don’t have to chart at home! ***Check out the ​Core 4 Charting Tips​ that make the MOST impact to help you STOP charting at home.

But there are times when I still struggle with mom guilt.​

It breaks my heart to think about how little time we have with our kids.

Statistics show by the time your child turns 18-years-old, you will have already spent 90% of the time you will ever spend with your them.

(turn on the water works…..)

My kids are ages 10 and 6 and time is moving soooooo fast!

This makes me want to cherish every single moment I get with them!

So the point of this post is not to make you feel even more guilty for working as a nurse practitioner, but is more to help you realize now is the time to get your time back!

Now is the time

If you are struggling with nurse practitioner mom guilt, now is the time.

Now is the time to make changes to your charting so you can be present with your kids (and not think about the mound of open charts to finish).

Now is the time to implement charting and time management tips so you can take your kids on a weekend vacation and NOT drag your work laptop along.

Now is the time to have the time and energy to show up as the mom (or dad) you want to be!

Charting help for nurse practitioners

So if are struggling with mom guilt as a nurse practitioner BUT also ready to commit to making a change, check out these charting tips for nurse practitioners!

Erica D the NP is a family nurse practitioner and The Nurse Practitioner Charting Coach. Erica helps nurse practitioners STOP charting at home! Erica created The Nurse Practitioner Charting School to be the one stop for all documentation resources created specifically for nurse practitioners. Learn more at www.npchartingschool.com

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Free training: 3 Reasons Why You’re Still Charting at Home and How to Overcome! Sign up here!